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梅兰日兰蓄电池M2AL 12-90 12V90AH 电力专用

更新时间:2022-04-13 00:00:00
型号:M2AL 12-90


- 在中国拥有26000名员工 

- 3个主要研发中心和1个施耐德电气研修学院 

- 26家工厂、8个物流中心、5个分公司和40个办事处遍布全国


Tianjin merlin gerin (MGE) battery considerations:

Don't use could trigger electrostatic cover of battery, so the static electricity may cause the battery explosion

There is water should not be installed near the battery pack or be at risk of electric shock

Installation of the ambient temperature is unfavorable and exorbitant, installed in a hot place battery must be scientific ventilation is better. ????

Do not use battery where there is dust likely to cause a short circuit phenomenon, too much dust will plug the exhaust air

With a sticky label content, things like that can't paste on the battery cover, because the cover below have exhaust valve of the formation of gas in the battery can not effective to escape.

The number of parallel float charging, plug type terminal battery parallel can be at most three rows

Tianjin merlin gerin company was founded in 1920, has been committed to have important mission for all electrical equipment and handling process to provide high quality power solutions, to improve its usability, and prolong the operation time, these small to personal computers, electrical equipment and processing process to large-scale Internet data center, telecommunications equipment, or semiconductor factory. Tianjin merlin gerin battery into M2AH series and M2AL series. Meilan battery with 40 years of rich experience in design, production and sales - and is one of the earliest production of UPS, battery manufacturers all over the world, is also the world's largest in high-power UPS manufacturers, MGE uninterruptible power supply products and services solutions has been all over the world, its products has been the world's largest high demand of the company's first choice. MGE now has 37 in the world


• 采用双转换在线技术,可彻底滤除来自电网的任何干扰,输出经过重组再生的纯正正弦波,为负载提供高质量电源; • 精密成熟的设计,完全符合UPS行业标准; • 采用 IGBT 功率模块及 PWM 技术,先进的微处理器控制; • 具有温度检测和过温保护功能; • 配备手动和静态旁路,维修时不必中断对负载的供电; • 热备份式冗余连接,增强系统的可靠性; • 六台 UPS可直接并联,组成n+1冗余系统或增容系统。 用户放心无忧的保障 • LCD 显示屏简单明了,反应快捷,并配有对应的模拟状态显示面板,能直观地显示各类电气参数和报警信息,同时还可显示系统的运行状况。 • 通过网络通信卡实现远程监控、报警和IT系统自动关机功能。 • 高质量的模块化设计、高度的元器件集成、先进的计算机内部控制和富有经验的售后服务团队,大幅提高了设备运行可靠性,减少了维修次数。






  • 地址:北京 北京市海淀区海淀南路19号
  • 邮编:100800
  • 电话:4008526155
  • 联系人:吕琰
  • 手机:13126667835
  • 传真:010-57166986
  • QQ:202407979
  • Email:345879323@qq.com